Television Will be Exhibited at the College Next Thursday Night
This article appeared in the February 28, 1936 issue of the Arlington Journal.
Citizens of Arlington are cordially invited to witness a television exhibition in the College auditorium next Thursday night, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. The television exhibition is being sponsored by the College Engineering Society. Clifford Herrin, Fort Worth, working in conjunction with the Engineering staff of Radio Station KFJZ will act as master of ceremonies and will explain certain principles of television. Some of the more popular students of N.T.A.C. will have their images reflected on the television screen. There will be no admission charge.
Editor's note: Wouldn't you like to be able to travel back in time and be present at this 1936 exhibition of the little-known miracle of something called "television"? Don't you wonder what questions were asked and what comments were made about this new thing called "television"?