Formal Opening of Parkdale Cemetery, Memorial Day, May 30, 1928
From the Arlington Journal, Friday, May 25, 1928
Formal opening of Parkdale Cemetery will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. This beautiful burial ground is owned by the Hugh M. Moore Funeral Home, Inc., and is incorporated under the name “Parkdale Cemetery” and endowed with funds that will forever assure its upkeep. It is located near the Arlington Cemetery.
Parkdale Cemetery consists of 17 acres of land, containing 2,600 lots, with a park in the center of the grounds. Chinese elms are planted every 24 feet, a well kept hedge fence will enclose the grounds with Lombardy poplars all around, also Chinese cedars. Streets running through the cemetery are graveled and curbs will add to the artistic arrangement and convenience of those visiting the graves. Plans of the grounds call for 16 parks exclusive of one that has been donated to the American Legion Post 467. The plot very kindly given to the local ex-service men by the Hugh M. Moore Funeral Home. is valued at $400.

Mr. Moore has also donated the Legion $50 cash toward the purchase of suitable markers for graves of ex-service men.
In describing Parkdale burial grounds, Hugh M. Moore predicted that within a few years this place will be the most beautiful cemetery in the South. Part of the grounds are restricted. “So far as I know,” said Mr. Moore, “Parkdale is the only cemetery on earth where pauper’s graves receive perpetual care.”
Each year sees a high degree of improvement in the Hugh M. Moore Funeral Home, now one of the largest undertaking establishments in this part of the State. Large new ambulances and hearses, and other new improvements, together with the organization of Parkdale, Inc., place this firm high in the estimation of a public that is grateful for many deeds of kindness and help in times of greatest sorrow—that of death.