Thomas Benton Collins becomes mayor of Arlington.North Texas Regional Interurban railway begins operating.

Carlisle Military Academy established.
Arlington residents vote for the town to remain dry.
Texas Legislative Act created the Arlington ISD. Local schools are taken over by the City of Arlington from Carlisle Military Academy.Southwestern Bell establishes service in Arlington.

Berachah Industrial Home for the Redemption of Erring Girls opens.
T. G. Bailey becomes mayor.The city forms its first high school, and grades 8-11 met at South Side School.
Texas & Pacific Railroad Depot is built.

First high school class graduates in Arlington.1906
William C. Weeks becomes mayor again.W. A. Thornton Home is built at 719 W. Abram, the first home in Arlington with gas lights.

Ghormley-Arnold Home is built at 404 E. First for Dr. W. I. Ghormley.
Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church South, the first brick church opens on the N.E. corner of Center and Division Streets.Douglass-Potts Home located on 206 W. North is built.

Vaught Home at 718 W. Abram is built for T. J. Trammell and purchased by Alex Vaught.
James Park Fielder Sr. becomes mayor for a short two months.Dr. William Harold Davis becomes mayor after Fielder.
Alton C. Barnes becomes mayor.The Commercial Club funds construction of a new mineral well where water flows out the mouths of lions' heads mounted on a four-sided structure.

Population: 1,794.

Masonic Home for Aged Masons opens, now known as Texas Masonic Retirement Center.
Rufus H. Greer becomes mayor of Arlington for the first time.1913
John M. Elliott Home at 1210 W. Abram is built, an example of a hipped roof bungalow with classical influences.
Beloved North Texas business and political leader Paul Waples begins construction of his new three-story country home, soon known as the Waples-Platter house, on a scenic hill at 4016 West Division Street.
Historic Fielder House at 1616 W. Abram is built by prominent banker James Park Fielder.
P.F. McKee becomes mayor.1916
Rufus H. Greer becomes mayor of Arlington for the second time.South Center Street Historic District is planned out by William Rose, housing the city's earliest merchants and craftsmen.
Mayor William H., & Ollie Gibbins Rose Home at 501 S. Center is built as the first addition to South Center Street Historic District.

Business and political leader Paul Waples is killed when his chauffered car is struck by an Interurban trolley car at the foot of his driveway at the Waples-Platter House.
Arlington Military Academy becomes Grubbs Vocational College.Zachary Slaughter opens the city's first car dealership.
Slaughter-Geer Home is built by Zack Slaughter for his father and stepmother at 505 S. Center.
Wylie F. Altman opens the Altman Ladies Store in Arlington.
Historic Dickerson Home at 400 N. Pecan is built by Martin Luther Dickerson, a cotton broker in Arlington and Ft. Worth.
William H. Rose becomes mayor, bringing with him progression such as city audits, ordinances, the first sidewalks, a modern water system and new businesses.Ransom Hall is built on Grubbs Vocational College campus at 602 S. West as the first administration building.

Arlington adopts a home rule city charter.Population: 3,031.

The highway from Dallas to Arlington is widened and carries interstate traffic through the center of the city.
Pulley Home on 201 E. North is built, exemplifying the asymmetrical bungalow architectural style.
Arlington High School built on Cooper St. and Abram St, the first official high school in AISD.
Tarrant County starts the first public library in Arlington.
William Green Hiett becomes mayor of Arlington for the first time, during which the first paved roads are built.Grubbs Vocational College changes name to North Texas Agricultural College.

Arlington Cemetery Association is chartered, taking care of Arlington Cemetery.
Meadowbrook Park opens as the first park in Arlington.
Eastern Star Home is built to provide a home for aged and infirm members of the Eastern Star Organization in Texas at 1201 E. Division.