Elmer L. Taylor becomes mayor for a year.Top O' Hill Terrace changes ownership and converts facilities into an illegal casino.
William Green Hiett becomes mayor of Arlington for the second time.1928
The first car showroom is opened by the Thannisch Chevrolet Company on the edge of downtown.Construction for the Cooper Hotel begins at 300 N. Center.
Preston Hall at 604 S. West is built as a science hall by North Texas Agriculture College.
Old Mayor's House at 814 E. Abram is built by cattle broker Dave Martin, once owned by B. C. & Francine Barnes.
Arlington Downs horse-racing track opens.The Cooper Hotel celebrates its grand opening.
W. J. Pulley opens Pulley Footwear.
U.S. Census shows Arlington population at 3,700.1931
John H. Pilant becomes mayor.1932
O.S. Gray founds a pecan nursery on West Division Street. He develops and grows five varieties of pecan.1933
W.L. Barrett becomes mayor of Arlington.Texas state legislature grants Arlington Downs the first legal parimutuel betting permit.
Arlington Citizen newspaper begins publication.1935
Wylie F. Altman becomes mayor through World War II.1936
Berachah Industrial Home for the Redemption of Erring Girls reopens as a orphanage called Berachah Child Institute.1937
Arlington Downs is sold to commercial developers due to the repeal of betting laws.North Side School opens, now known as Kooken Elementary School
The interurban rail line serving Arlington ceases operations on Christmas Eve.T.W. (Hooker) Vandergriff purchases the Thannisch Chevrolet Company building which becomes the Thannisch-Vandergriff Building.
Arlington Post Office is built by the Federal Works Agency on 200 W. Main St, now the Worthington National Bank Building.1940
Population: 4,240.1941
Mural “Gathering Pecans” by Otis Dozier is painted in the Arlington Post Office building.1942
Berachah Child Institute orphanage ceases operations.1943
Tom J. Vandergriff, Arlington's future revolutionary mayor, graduates from Arlington High School.1947
B.C. Barnes becomes mayor of Arlington.Texas Rangers police bust the Top O' Hill Terrace illegal casino and speakeasy and shut it down permanently.
Cosden Petroleum facility and St. Albans Episcopal Church opens.
The city adopts the city manager form of government.North Texas Agricultural College changes name to Arlington State College.
Arlington Music Hall opens, originally as a walk-in theater.Colonial Apartments opens (approximate date).
Population: 7,692.